Friday, July 22, 2011

We made it to San Francisco

Dane immediately wanted to play in the hot tub.

In N Out

Dane's first In N Out burger. He is refusing to leave until he gets a second. It could get ugly.


Spent last night in Tahoe. Quick walk along the lake before heading to Frisco.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


On the tundra

Dane with some elk at 12000 feet along the Trail Ridge Road.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Made it to Utah.

End of day 4

Drove across Trail Ridge Road in the national park today. Topped out just over 12000 feet. Saw some elk and some snow. I had never been on that road before and I am glad we did it today. A short walk at that altitude did leave me short of breath and gave me a killer headache. It was worth it though. I will post some pictures later.
Tonight we are staying in Vale. It is a little chilly for the camping gear we packed so we are staying in a hotel. Plus last night's storm really beat us up.
Doing laundry now. Tomorrow we head for Utah and Nevada. When I find a computer I will write more.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Breakfast in the mountains.

Sausage and eggs this morning. Watching mule deer grazing on the hill just up from our site. Storms were bad last night but we survived.
We are packing up as soon as everything dries.

End of day Three.

Outside the tent the thunder is rolling across the mountain. There is the lightest rain tapping on the roof and the occasional bright flash of lightning. Dane fell asleep mercifully fast. His biggest worry is bears and then coyotes. Hopefully the noise of the wind and storm will cover up the sounds of critters passing the tent in the night.
Just as I typed that the wind picked up and whipped the sides of the tent into a frenzy. I really do not want to get wet tonight. 

Hail Storm

Dane and I just raced a hail storm back to the van. Ten seconds slower and we would have been toast. We were hiking when it blew up and we watched it makes its way down the mountain toward us. We are in the van now and it is a mess out there.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bunks tonight.

There is AC to but that was just a bonus.

Sprung for the cabin...

Just had a dip in the pool. Now preparing the dinner. Hot dogs without buns.


Prairie Dog Town

See the world's largest prairie dog. We tried stopping here 18 years ago when we made the trip in high-school. It was closed then but the idea has haunted my dreams since. Today I checked it off my bucket list.

75th bathroom break today.

Leaving Kansas City.

Thank you Dan and Lori for the hospitality. Dane made a new friend in James.
Thank you to Chase Bank for monitoring my credit transactions and shutting off my card just in case. Actually it was an easy fix.
Heading out a little later than "planned" but well fed and in good spirits.
Does anyone know where the comma is on the HTC slide keyboard?
